Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Lookee! Lookee!

I anxiously waited all weekend just so I could call the shipping department Monday morning to check the status of this promised delivery.

9:30 - Ring, Ring, Ring - No answer... CRAP!
10:00 -  I got through and was told that the delivery was on it's way and was scheduled for 4:00 today. They even said they would call the driver and remind him to contact me when he was three hours away so I would have time to get things organized for delivery.
12:45 - I receive a call from Bacaland (A local landscape mulch factory about a half mile (.8 km) from my house - they were kind enough to let me offload on their premises using their forklifts).
The call was to tell me there was a truck idling in their parking lot and they thought it might be mine...


Well, anyway - I'm fortunate enough to be working from home this week, but I had a meeting in 15 minutes! But at that moment I didn't have much of a choice and had to grab my keys and drive over there to take care of the payment, paperwork and offloading before getting back to the house and joining the meeting late. Fortunately, I had already informed management and others that this might happen and I might suddenly be "gone" for a while without prior notice.

At any rate, the offloading went very well, it took less than ten minutes to unload and move the materials to a safe location. After work, I rented a trailer and made five loads to get the load broken down and moved to the building location.

(I even got a beautiful Double Rainbow out of the deal!)

Later today I'll have to do lay out the pieces for inventory.

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