Friday, August 28, 2015

South and East walls completed

Yesterday we got the South and East walls completed.
The building is MUCH stiffer now than when we first started.

So I'm feeling a lot more confident about the whole thing.
I'd like to put a lid on it this weekend, but the forecast is calling for high winds on Saturday.

If that holds up, I'll just prep out for a Tuesday/Wednesday roofing event.

South Wall nearing completion. Ezra's RV worked great as a makeshift scaffold for the main door.

South wall completed except for trimming upper edges

Prepped to begin East wall

Trimming around door (R-19 Insulation)

A come-along being used to pull the walls straight before putting up wall panels

Inside shot looking South

East wall nearing completion

East Wall completed

1 comment:

  1. This is bad ass! A custom home to build the F39; the only way to go. I think you're going to be much happier than me having paid the landlord for 40 months know on our rented shop :)
    Very gutsy moves with the scissors lift last month - that's the kind of seat-of-the-pants work that gets boats built. Keep going man!
